Whether its running, biking, swimming, lifting weights, or doing yoga, these days many people are leading active lives and are focused on their health. While diet and exercise are important facets of an active lifestyle, many might not realize the tremendous health benefits that come from seeing a chiropractor—a doctor who specializes in the musculoskeletal system. Chiropractors are educated on proper alignment, stress and tension, and injuries within the muscles and bones and how these issues affect overall health. A chiropractor’s skillset is incredibly helpful for those who lead active lives or want to become more active.
A marathon runner who has pulled a hamstring or a dancer who has sprained an ankle can all be helped by a chiropractor. This is due to a chiropractor’s wide variety of tools at their disposal. For example, spinal manipulation, where a chiropractor uses his or her hands to align the spine, is beneficial for people who have back problems. Likewise, chiropractors often use heat and ice therapies to reduce swelling and promote healing in an injured area, such as a sprained ankle. A chiropractor is also able to show exercises that are beneficial to someone who has torn a muscle and is recovering.
One of the unique things about chiropractors is that many of their therapies don’t involve medication. We know that pain is the body’s way of communicating a problem from within. Simply masking the pain with a painkiller might alleviate the problem, but the underlying issue will still be present and might even worsen. Knowing this, chiropractors attempt to heal the true problem, whatever that may be, allowing a patient to continue in their exercise and activity. In fact, many athletes from Tiger Woods to Arnold Schwarzenegger have publicly acknowledged the benefits chiropractic care provided for them when their body was suffering from their active life.

SOURCE: http://www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/chiropractors.htm
While chiropractors see patients who already have problems, they are also beneficial because they can perform preventative treatment. Chiropractic work can help reduce stress in the body, making injuries less likely. It can also promote self-healing and strength, both of which likewise reduce the chances of injury. Increased flexibility, joint mobility, circulation are all benefits of chiropractic care. Taking advantage of these preventative measures is very wise and might prevent serious injuries.
Even people who do not consider themselves active but wish to become healthier can find a visit to the chiropractor extremely helpful. Many chiropractors are educated in weight loss and the use of vitamins and supplements. There are even chiropractic weight loss programs that can be tailored to an individual’s needs. Seeing a chiropractor and discussing your goals is a more healthful way to lose weight and become active, and is much better for you than following the latest fad diet.
All people who lead active lifestyles want to avoid injury, and regularly visiting a chiropractor can provide preventative benefits. Athletes who are already suffering from joint or muscle problems can visit a chiropractor instead of giving up and accepting pain or defeat. Additionally, people who wish to become healthier will find a visit to the chiropractor instructive and helpful. Long story short, anyone who leads an active lifestyle or wishes to become more active will benefit tremendously by making an appointment with a chiropractor.
SOURCE: http://barefooton45th.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/female-runner.jpg